Every thought you’ve had while standing in line at the U of I bar

Why is line life so hard?

Just standing in line to get into a bar can be whole different adventure on its own. Whether below freezing or boiling hot, you can always count on the fact that all the bars will have a loooooooooong line every weekend. That is how dedicated the students here are when it comes to partying.

  • Will I see the cute bartender/ worker when I am there?

  •  Jealous of the people who just cut the line and enter without any problem.

  • OR How about that one person from class that I always see in here even though I have never talked to them in class?

  • How much time it will take until you actually get in (so obviously you check your phone every five minutes).

  • Wondering by the time you try to go in, will there be cover? (99 per cent chance there will be)

  • Texting your friend(who is ALWAYS late) to come join you in the line before you go in.

  • Getting annoyed by the people in front of you where they just let a groups of four or more people cut in line (UGH).

  • Trying to work up the courage to talk to the hot groups of guys or girls behind you.

  • And then, trying to ignore the people you don’t like who are trying to start a conversation with you and your friends.

  • Contemplating whether it is worth it to stay in line or go to a less crowded bar… NAH stay in line you convince yourself.

  • Wanting to dance and suddenly feeling hungry because you are tipsy or drunk.

  • Trying to think of any connections you might have to cut in line or to get you out of cover.

  • FINALLY accepting the fact that you are stuck in this line and you can’t do anything.


University of Illinois