How to: Riding the bus at UIUC

Walking is something I think we’d all rather not do

Living in Chicago my whole life and taking a public bus to school every day made me pretty comfortable with the idea of taking public transportation. When I realized that UIUC had a bus system, I was comforted by the familiarity of it, yet, for some, I’ve noticed that taking the bus can be more stressful than helpful.  So without further ado: here’s the ultimate guide to taking the bus like a pro.

Whether you take the buses frequently or only once in a while, you’ve probably noticed that it seems like all 40,000 of us are trying to get on the bus all at once, at any given stop. If you’re claustrophobic or just in general don’t like getting smacked in the face with backpacks, this can be a problem. I suggest trying to stand near one of the doors or way in the back. Getting stuck in a sea of people should try to be avoided.

I live for when the bus is this empty

If you do find yourself stuck in the crowd, make sure to keep moving with the crowd. I’ve witnessed way too many pissed off bus drivers because people won’t move back.

Even if it seems like there’s not room, there probably is. The biggest problem with getting stuck in the crowd though, is probably the issue of being able to get off at your stop.

If you make your way towards the door one or two stops before you’re going to get off, that usually helps. What doesn’t help is literally screaming when you’re having trouble getting to the door (yes I’ve actually witnessed that).

Sometimes drivers won’t stop at every stop either, so it’s safe to say that you should pull the string to say you want to get off each time. If you don’t pull the string and the driver doesn’t stop, don’t get mad and start swearing at the driver (also something I’ve witnessed).

Demonstration courtesy of me

This might be sorta mean to laugh at, but it’s kinda funny when the bus driver slams on the breaks and everyone falls on each other. Unless you enjoy bus surfing, I advise actually hanging on to the railing. Every time I take the bus I see someone almost fall down because they’re texting and not holding on. I promise you can still scroll through your twitter feed while hanging on.

Something I do have to admit is that figuring out what bus to take, can be as hard as the questions on the PSYCH 100 final. Downloading one of the buss apps definitely helps with that issue though. It may seem like the bus is a pain, but along with being convenient, remember it also gets more entertaining the later at night  it gets. And with Unofficial this weekend, make sure to stay safe and take the bus back to your room if you’re out “celebrating.”

Catch me taking the 13S on the daily with my many friends

University of Illinois