Illini for Bernie works to spread Sander’s message across campus

They’re feelin’ the Bern

As March 15 comes closer and closer, it becomes difficult to avoid the very present political sentiments on campus. With so many students encompassing so many opinions, concepts about the fate of our nation seep into our daily lives. The members of UIUC’s Illini for Bernie certainly have politics on the brain.

Illini for Bernie was established at the beginning of this year by student Matthew Pasquini and a collection of his friends. The RSO was built to spread the word of Democratic Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. Rose Rodrigeuz, club secretary and founding member, decided to stand behind Sanders after she learned about  the economic and political inefficiencies in the American government in her political science classes.

Illini for Bernie marches in support for Bernie Sanders

“I wasn’t OK with that, I wasn’t satisfied with that, with being content with the status quo,” The political science junior said. “When I realized Bernie was the only candidate that was candid enough to call those people out but also address that he wants to change everything that is inefficient, or unethical, or corrupt about the government, I knew that because he wasn’t tied to lobbying groups and special interests, he needs us. In other words we need him as much as he needs us, and that made me want to get as involved as possible on this campus.”

Rose, and the rest of the executive board, lead a team of students dedicated to informing classmates and other Americans about Sanders. The team has over 600 students on their email list and approximately 30 active members. Much of their work is done through registering students to vote in their dorms, cold calling potential voters and holding Sanders’ support events. Rose believes students are likely to get behind Sanders because he supports an idealistic vision of the future, and he also wants to get rid of student debt.

General Illini for Bernie meeting

“I think it’s refreshing, and I mean this in a very honest way, that he’s the only candidate that doesn’t want marijuana as a schedule one drug, or a schedule two drug, he just wants to completely take it off,” Rose said. “Also his stances on womans’ rights, he has a 100 per cent record with planned parenthood and also his civil rights show that he’s incredibly hip for a 74-year-old man, and that he’s always been that way. That’s very, very refreshing to see.”

Illini for Bernie has an email list of over 600 and approximately 30 active members

Rose said the club has gained more traction as the year progressed.They’ve been working alongside the Sanders campaign, who officially opened an office in Urbana on February 20.

Rose also hopes the club can teach students how to support Sanders in a way that attracts more people to his cause. She fears too many students take on the persona of a “Bernie Bro” or “Bernie Brat” and lose sight of Sanders’ real polices.

“I think a lot of Bernie supporters are well intentioned, over course, but they go about it incorrectly when it comes to trying to persuade others to see Bernie in the type of light where they would want to vote for him come March 15,” Rose said. “The main thing is with any kind of persuasion or negotiation you’re doing, whenever you want to win someone over you can’t be overbearing, you have to be calm and collective about it.”

With Hillary Clinton beating Sanders in the polls, 49.8 per cent to 40.6 per cent, Illini for Bernie continues their support for their favorite candidate.

University of Illinois