Huge snowstorm set to hit Illinois this week

If you were planning on going home, good luck

Just when you thought it was time to bust out your flip flops, guess again. A winter storm watch has been issued for Champaign and is in effect from Wednesday at 6:00 a.m. until Thursday at 6:00 a.m.

With about 6 inches of snow on the way, visibility and road conditions could be pretty unstable. If you’re traveling home this weekend and you live anywhere north, it may take you a little longer than expected.

I have absolutely no background in weather, BUT, I’m fairly certain it’s not supposed to snow when it’s 40+ degrees outside. And if you don’t believe me, then take it from my totally professional dad, John Marnul, volunteer weather correspondent/O’Hare Airport. He informed me, “Chicago will enjoy only one inch of snow, while Champaign will get about six.” So I guess that means we’re screwed here at UIUC.

Expect more scenes like this

You may think that snow on a 34 degree day tomorrow doesn’t sound that bad, but wait until you feel the 35 mph winds mixed with the regret of going to class.

Unfortunatly conditions aren’t going to change much until Thursday morning, but on the bright side, states south of Illinois are experiencing tornadoes, so I’d stick with the snow. The snow will most likely not stick, but there may be a white out, so make sure to carefully hold on to your Caramel Frappuccino on your way back from Starbucks.

The snow could start out as rain, but don’t be surprised when you walk out of your class and suddenly you’re in the arctic. The worst part is that the snow that does stick will be that really gross and dirty snow (the most scientific description I could come up with). Don’t worry too much though; it’s supposed to be 45 degrees and sunny again on Monday because, you know, that’s just how Illinois rolls. At least Illinois’ conditions won’t be like Canada where they’re expecting enough snow to question if it’s even worth it to live in Canada (it’s not).

University of Illinois