Meet the design students raising money for their portfolio review

They need to make $4,000

If you have some time between classes and aren’t too far away from the Art and Design Building, stop by the Link Gallery and get some cool stuff from the Graphic Designers on Campus!

From Feb. 8 to Feb. 12, from 11:30 am to 1:30pm in the Art and Design Building’s Link Gallery, the Pop Up Shop will have cool collectables for you to purchase! If you love artsy stuff, come over; if you don’t, don’t worry, show up and give some support! The Proceeds go to help the students rent a space for their graphic design portfolio review.

“The Pop Up Shop is for our portfolio review; it will be around the area of Chicago. We need around $4,000,” Laura, one of the students at the stand, said.

What I got:
Top: $1 stickers; Bottom: $2 Tattoo Stickers

Check out these cool tattoo stickers

It may surprise students to learn that the portfolio review is not, nor has it ever been, funded through the assistance of the Career Center. Even though their review operates as a sort of career fair, with professionals surveying their work and considering them for employment, it has always been funded by the art students themselves.

“Yeah, we always do it ourselves. The art (department) doesn’t really have money, most of the time it goes to engineering.”


Left to right: Laura Today, Elyce Heffez and Jillian Martin

Laura and other art students have worked to raise money for their portfolio through a variety outreach techniques.

She saidL “We are doing a lot, fundraising through the Pop Up Store, together with Indiegogo and other fund raising, so far it is around $600,” she said. “The portfolio review is in the middle of April.”

Not all art students are merely punk kids. Yeah, they have their style, but honestly some of them may understand work ethic way better than most of us. Their self sufficiency and dedication shows a lot to their work as artists.

Reva Karkhanis with the tattoo stickers that she has designed.

The Pop Up is definitely a good little stop you can make between classes.

***If you could not make it in person, the Indiegogo fundraising campaign is always on online. click on the word and it will link you to the page.

University of Illinois art fundraising graphic design support