Has anyone ever used the Bromley pool?

It’s always empty

On 3rd Street, right by the Ike, stands the giant gray block we all know as Bromley Hall. A private hall known for its amenities, Bromley offers its residents TV lounges, semi-private bathrooms, a gym and, most notably, a pool.

The Bromley pool is hard to miss. It’s encased behind a wall-sized window just to your left upon entry. But even more surprising than this amenity is its patrons, or lack-thereof.

Photo Courtesy of Tyler Manquen
An empty Bromley pool

“The reputation is that no one uses the pool, it’s just there for display,” Katy O’Brien, freshman Bromley resident said.

It would appear that the Bromley pool, for all its convenience, is notoriously ignored by its patrons. Katy rarely sees people swim in it and claims to have heard very few stories of its use. She attributes its low standing to its location.

“When you go to the front door in the entrance, you walk in and to your left side there’s a huge glass window and you can see the whole pool area, so if people were in the pool you could definitely watch them, especially the lobby is a crowded place, so people might feel uncomfortable using it,” Katy said.

Although Bromley residents might dislike the pool for its location, Bromley Hall Business Office Manager Kendra Bristow believes it speaks to Bromley’s grandeur.

“It’s certainly something that’s very inviting when people walk in the door and they see the pool and the lobby, and people comment on it and are very excited about it,” Bristow said.

Bristow also disagrees with the pool’s student reputation.

“It does get used quite a bit,” Bristow said. “Students will often swim in the morning. They of course swim during the nicer time of year when it’s more front and center in your mind to swim. We do have students that go in and use the pool basketball and of course students who go in to use it as exercise as well.”

Photo Courtesy of Tyler Manquen

Although she is uncertain how much it costs to maintain the pool, Bristol believes its cost and effort is worthy of its use. She said people who use it enjoy its inclusion in Bromley. In order to incentivize students to enjoy the pool, the staff will occasionally throw pool parties or water basketball tournaments.

“I know people used it once at the beginning of the year. I know people have tried to throw a pool party there, no one came,” Katy said.

Katy doesn’t just see the pool’s emptiness as a joke, she also acknowledges how its under utilization adds to Bromley’s high cost.

“I would say when you live in Bromley you pay so much more and obviously some of the cost goes to maintaining the pool and things like that, and if people aren’t using it it’s kind of, like, I mean, it’s like annoying how expensive it is to not use it,” she said.

University of Illinois