The Chipotle on Green Street is giving out free burritos

They’re really sorry they’re closed

After the vastly popular food chain’s recent controversy surrounding an E.Coli outbreak from its food products, Chipotle was forced to go through some major changes within its organization.

The Chipotle on Green Street is closed today until 3PM but that doesn’t mean you can’t get that burrito. In fact, you can get it for free.

Just follow this link or look at the picture below: and follow the instructions for a free burrito. If your Monday morning and afternoon isn’t really going how you expected it too, maybe this will make it better.

Also for all you worried customers and critics, Chipotle has done its cleaning up and confirmed that it is now E.Coli free. Enjoy the rest of your Monday along with this fantastic one time offer!

Offer available between 11:00AM and 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time on Feb. 8, 2016,


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