Disgusting anonymous website hosts forum for leaked UIUC nudes

This needs to stop

There is an anonymous online thread calling for leaked nude pictures of UIUC students.

To fuel this disgusting thread, anonymous users post requests for pictures of young women that they know. Images such as Facebook profile pictures are used as examples for contributors to find the women.

While only semi-nude pictures have been posted so far for the UIUC thread, other schools like UConn, Harvard and UCLA have been added to the list and contain very graphic images.

The thread started in April of 2014 when a user posted the University of Illinois logo with the caption “let’s see em!” Posts after that continued through 2015.

The main victims of this scandal appear to be mostly U of I women who are involved in sororities and the Illinettes dance team. The website’s “staff” claims to have two rules: no underage pictures and no names.

While age may not be an issue for pictures of UIUC students, names have been released, exposing the identity of the victims. A few users on the thread publicly provided their email addresses so that they could be sent nude pictures that other users possess. Because of the graphic nature of the website, admins have been forced to change their URL to a variety of different names.

To draw attention to finding pictures of specific girls on the thread, many users are posting a comment with a name and the word “bump.” Not only are pictures being requested and posted, hateful language has also been used to describe the victims.

Once posting began to slow, a user posted a comment saying “Not a single win. We’re not doin this right guys…bump.” The thread quickly became a competition for who could post the “best” picture.

The last post was in February of 2015. The website recently changed their URL because of restrictions.

University of Illinois