The worst things about coming back from winter break

No more Netflix marathons

Anyone whose gone to university for a full year knows how it feels to come back from the lush comforts of winter break and descend into the collegiate world and everything that comes along with it.

Universities ask us to leave our loving family behind to spend time spiraling through another race to summer break. Of course, after you’ve read the syllabus, picked up your textbooks and went to the first class, the fun only begins.

Eating dining hall food

The worst thing about coming back from winter break is eating dining hall food. It’s great and everything that someone can swipe into a sprawling buffet of multicultural sustenance, but for some reason it just will never be as good as mom’s food.

Universities ask us to leave our loving family behind to spend time spiraling through another race to summer break

Lack of sleep

Sleep is another monster of the collegiate experience – winter break awakens this sleeping monster.

No one knows real comfort until they are able to spend a whole month at home sleeping in their own bed till noon. The threat of missing out on the all-important lecture is what secretly keeps each college student from becoming an overfunded coach potato.

Missing your hometown friends

Friends from university are alright, but they will never understand who you were over winter break. Trust me, you don’t have to tell your university friends that your greatest accomplishment over break was finishing the entire “New Girl” series – there are some things that they just will never understand.

Public transportation

The mass transit system will never live to the glory of riding in your family’s Chevy Traverse. I don’t even think I have to elaborate on that one.

University students, here is the bottom line: you don’t have to love everything about the collegiate experience. With every crappy dining hall meal and early morning alarm, you are one day closer to your coveted degree.

Back at school

Now read your syllabuses and get to work.

University of Illinois