The Tab Illinois is here – This is who we are

We write things you care about in a style you want to read

The college publication market is one of the most saturated industries on any university campus. Most traditional student outlets cover issues that ordinary students have no authority to write on.

Big subjects like Hollywood film reviews, the Middle East and national politics can’t be done justice by college students.

We write about the fun, day-to-day occurrences of life at UIUC. As one the fastest growing news outlets in the world, The Tab’s phenomenal success is the result of our commitment to understanding the pulse of a university.

We write fun, snappy pieces about the things you care about. We don’t have an editorial stance on campus issues, we’re a platform for debate and will never refuse to publish a piece just because we don’t agree with it.

We promise to give the students of the University of Illinois an original, light hearted perspective on what really matters to them. Every facet of university life will be reported accurately and with a voice that students want to read. A college publication should represent not only the events of a particular college, but also the spirit of its students.

It’s never too late to get started, we’re always looking for reporters, filmmakers and anyone interested in marketing, advertising or social media. You can sign up to get involved here.

The Tab Illinois team promises to deliver the finest campus news with the freshest voice

Join us on our journey to document UIUC. Whether its about friday night’s kegger or injustices on the campus, the Tab Illinois will always bring our signature perspective to the masses.

University of Illinois