Harvard’s most fashionable freshmen: Alex Popovski

‘Chivalry isn’t dead, you know’

Welcome back to The Tab Harvard’s Most Fashionable Freshmen Contest.

Today we meet the wonderfully charming Alex Popovski. Let’s show some love to our FINAL contestant.

Voting for the winner will take place this Thursday, February 25th and results will be announced Saturday, February 27th.

Harvard definitely feels like home, except for the weather. As a Southern Californian, I’ve never really had to wear much more than a t-shirt and shorts. I recently bought boots for the first time as well as a winter coat and a scarf. I guess you could say that this whole dressing for the winter thing has been pretty overwhelming – figuring out how to stay warm is hard enough. The one constant is that I still aim for clothes that reflect my personality. In Cambridge just as much as in California, I definitely value a bold addition here or there. At the very least, it’s a good conversation starter – and to me, that’s worth it.

