Harvard’s most fashionable freshmen: Juan Carlos Peña

‘I intend to make billions of dollars’

Welcome back to The Tab Harvard’s most fashionable freshmen contest.

Today we meet Juan Carlos Peña – aspiring billionaire, philanthropist, and entrepreneur.

I’m from El Paso, Texas. Because of my passion for entrepreneurship, I plan to start a variety of businesses throughout my time at Harvard College. Upon graduation, I intend to matriculate in Harvard Business School in order to further my education in what I love. I will then exert all of my energy into being the founder of a Fortune 500 company or being one of the world’s top hedge fund managers.

With these positions, I intend to make billions of dollars. I will then use the majority of my money to establish free hospitals all around the world and make medicine accessible to all. Not only that, but I hope to be able to contribute and solve a variety of existing and future world problems via collaboration with my fellow human beings. After being an active philanthropist, I will get involved in public office in order to maximize the amount of change I am able to instigate within this world.
