Harvard’s most fashionable freshmen: Maia Leandra

‘Each ring tells a story or reminds me of a person’


As an American Jewban (Jewish Cuban, yes we do exist) from Miami, Florida, I have an eclectic combination of passions, which is not only reflected throughout my style but in my lifestyle as well. For one thing, my diverse heritage sprouted an intense love for Latin-infused Jewish cuisine, and broad love of music.

I can blast Spanish music when I need to dance and de-stress, drift off to Lana Del Rey or Jaymes Young when I’m craving something mellower, or belt along to Maroon 5 and The Supremes (the latter I owe to my “old-school” Mom). Intending on concentrating in CS, I’ve been in touch with Miami’s budding tech realm through projects like CODeLLA and other initiatives. Here at Harvard, I’ve maintained that interest in my first semester by taking computer and business courses and joining Women in Business and Women Computer Science.

I think an important part of my upbringing that contributes to who I am as a person is my early Montessori education. Montessori really supported my early curiosities, promoting my confidence to pursue all my aspirations regardless of how lofty they may seem. Luckily I’ve been brought on board as an intern for Montessori research with the MIT Media Lab this year and that’s been an incredible experience! So far I’ve really been able to fuse my interest for CS, love for Montessori, and passion for entrepreneurship all in one project.

I would characterize my style as a fluid mix of artsy classic. There are days in which I channel my girly Chanel-inspired self, and other days when I push the envelope a little more to combine unique pieces in my wardrobe. While my clothes change with each day’s vibe, my jewelry usually stays the same – with the exception of bold statement pieces for special occasions. You will always spot me donning my pearl studs and silver bow necklace, homages to two of my favorite things. Lately I’ve been into rings and have been wearing the same mishmash of five. Each one tells a story or reminds me of a person, and together they are a little bits of who I am as a whole. For example, I have a silver ring that my sister gave me for my 18th birthday. It’s actually two rings that click together and represent our lifelong connection to each other.
