If you could buy anything on Black Friday what would it be?

Definitely shoes. Lots and lots of shoes

Cora, 18, Social Anthropology, 2019


Definitely shoes. Lots and lots of shoes.

Brandon, 18, Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2019

I have the worst buyer’s remorse, so I’d probably buy a cat and then give some of the money to things like cancer and HIV research, then use the rest to solve problems like poverty. I would do it anonymously though because I don’t want to be the center of attention.

Curtis, 19, Economics, 2019

I think I’d probably buy stocks, to be honest.

Lexi, 19, Government and Environmental Science and Public Policy, 2018

Land so I could make a sanctuary for animals rescued from factory farms.

Sarah, 18, Undecided, 2019

I would probably buy a bunch of the new gaming systems or whatever for cheap and then resell it and make even more money. Or I would just buy out Nordstrom.

David, 18, Government and Latin Studies, 2019

Probably a totally new wardrobe.

Chinaza, 18, Undecided, 2019

I’d just buy clothes and Christmas gifts. [After hearing she can donate her money]: In that case I’ll probably buy a lot of winter gear and give away a bunch to the homeless.

Brandi, 18, History of Science, 2019

Probably just clothes. Sweaters, dresses, et cetera.

Irene, 18, Undecided, 2019

To be perfectly honest I would donate whatever I was allotted to charity. I don’t need any more material possessions as I’m quite comfortable and very fortunate as I am.

Kelly, 18, Environmental Science and Public Policy, 2019

I think I’d buy a ton of boots. Or maybe sweaters, since I only own three right now.

Melissa, 18, Undecided 2019

Honestly my first reaction is just to donate it all. Literally so many problems in the world are caused by a lack of resources going to the right places.

Jared, 19, Economics and Computer Science, 2019

If I had unlimited money, I would buy a Donald Trump starter kit. So basically a high quality comb-over wig, a nice suit, and a small loan of a million dollars.
