TEDx is coming to Georgetown this weekend and the theme is Risk Takers

Are we taking the proper risks to be successful?

We’ve all seen the familiar red block letters, whether in an email from our grandma or presented during a lecture on campus: Ted Talks have taken the internet (and our lives) by storm.

This Saturday we have the opportunity to see virtual experience live, engaging with peers and guest speakers alike.

Are we taking the proper risks to be successful? Do we venture into uncharted territory or stick to the comfortable confines of our Hoya bubble that bit too much?

These questions will hopefully be answered during TedxGeorgetown 2015 this weekend.

Malaysian activist Anwar Ibraham speaking last year about fighting against the coalition governing his country for over half a century.

Broken up into three categories, “Inspiring the Uninspired”, “Fail Forward”, and “High Risk, High Reward,” here lies the chance to be influenced by these incredible stories. The perfect motivation you need to beat the post-midterms slump.

In the exhilarating but also highly stressful environment of Georgetown, TEDx seems the perfect opportunity to engage in stimulating dialogue and hear from a part of our community that in passing, would never be aware of the incredible stories they have to tell.

From students who are currently going through the same issues you are to the more experienced who could help alter your entire perspective on certain topics, this Saturday is definitely an experience no one should miss out on.

Whether to finally message back your annoying family member who’s always sending out inspirational chainmail or to contribute a new outlook among your peers, attending TEDx at Georgetown is the first step in your own risky revolution.

Georgetown University