Bedbugs found on the first floor of Williams

They were found on the first floor

Earlier this morning, the English department received an e-mail warning people that bedbugs were found on the first floor of the Williams building. The e-mail says the bugs originated on the bench on the first floor outside of WMS113. They are reportedly concentrated to hallways and students and faculty have been warned not to sit on the floors or put pursees or backpacks down.

The e-mail received this morning

The e-mail received this morning

Peyton Carper, a senior studying Editing, Writing, and Media, saw the bugs during the second week of school. "They were absolutely swarming one of the benches in one of the first floor hallways. They were crawling all over the legs and the seat."

Bedbugs are small insects that latch onto fabric and can be transported through clothes, bags, and carpet. It's unclear how they made their way into Williams but they are known to bite humans and leave small, itchy bumps on skin. Students who think they have been bitten are urged to report it and can call University Health Services at (850) 644-6230.

Florida State University