Why I am a college student voting for Donald J. Trump

Because I am more afraid of Hillary’s actions than I am of words

It’s no secret that this election has brought out the worst in Republicans and Democrats. This country seems to be more divided than ever. We have division everywhere that you look, and it stems from a government that has pitted rich against poor, whites against blacks, and police against citizens. This election is about much more than party. It is about the future of this country, and the direction in which we are headed as a nation. I am voting for Donald J. Trump because I am more afraid of Hillary’s actions than I am of words.

I see Donald Trump as the lesser of two evils. Believe it or not, I laughed when he first announced his candidacy, because I thought it was a practical joke, like all of those, “Kanye for President,” memes you see on Twitter and Facebook. Had Ben Carson or Ted Cruz not dropped out, I would have voted for one of them in the primaries. Trump was not my first choice, and I recognize that he is a flawed individual. However, he was the candidate nominated by my party and I am going to accept that. I recognize that he may not have experience as a politician, but no president has ever run this country alone. He would appoint other experienced individuals to his cabinet to help him make vital decisions. He would not make detrimental choices that would ruin the country that helped him prosper.

Donald Trump is an outsider, completely unbound and untouched by the corruption in Washington. I am voting for Trump because he is a business man, well in touch with the way that our economy is supposed to work, and how the average American citizen feels when it doesn’t. I am voting for Trump because he is not afraid to speak his mind, and refuses to censor himself for the feelings of the masses, because he understands that Americans are fed up with a failed system, a rigged system, and a system that tells them that they are but another number. I am voting for Trump because he is willing to give up his life as a successful CEO in order to serve the people of the United States. Last but not least, I am voting for Trump because I cannot find it in my heart to vote for a woman who pathologically lies to get what she wants, has given passes to her husband’s indiscretions, could care less about the four Americans she left for dead in Benghazi, is under current and ongoing investigation by the FBI, and refuses to take responsibility for her actions as head of the State Department.

I refuse to believe what the media says about Donald Trump, because most of it is just plain wrong. There is hypocrisy in the media that is running rampant. They’ll point out flaws or mistakes one candidate has made, and then say that the wrongdoing, lies, or flaws that another candidate has do not matter. Do not be the black hole that sucks in everything that the national news media presents to us, because most of it is simply garbage. Do your own research, find independent or outside sourcing, and decide for yourself. I am tired of being lied to. 

I am sick of Trump being painted as anti-gay, anti-immigrant, and anti-muslim. Trump does not plan to deport all immigrants, but use criminal records to find immigrants who do not pay taxes and commit violent crimes in order to get them out of the country, then properly vet the immigrants who pay taxes and have jobs. Trump does not hate gays, when in fact he has support of multiple LGBT organizations, such as Log Cabin Republicans. If there is a candidate that hates gays, it is Hillary Clinton, who generously accepts donations from countries like Lybia, Syria, and Saudi Arabia, who murder and behead homosexuals. Trump is not anti-muslim. He wants to ban Muslim immigration temporarily, until the FBI can conduct proper background checks on them and check for ties to ISIS and other terrorist networks to prevent attacks on the homeland.

Donald J. Trump is a man who is incredibly misunderstood and is unfairly portrayed in the liberal media. Vote based on facts and research, not based on your feelings and your emotions. Vote for a candidate who wants to put Americans first, not their own hidden agenda. Vote for a candidate who wears the American Flag on their lapel, versus the woman who doesn’t. Vote for the candidate who wants to unite the country, not divide it even further. Vote for the candidate that wants to see this country prosper, and not belittle it on the world stage. Vote for the candidate that wants to make America great again. Vote for Donald J. Trump.

Florida State University