How having a dog in college saved my life

Having a dog through all the goods and bads of college kept me going

As someone who has grown up around animals, beginning college without one was a real shock, and not in a good way. I’d find myself regularly going to places where I could be in animal’s company, just because I so deeply craved the unconditional affection animals radiated. Starting my second year of college, my family let me adopt a dog from my local humane society, and it completely changed my outlook. 

Having a dog in college helped me connect with people

I’ve met more people than expected since having a dog. I’ve made friends through meeting people at the dog park, purely exchanging numbers for puppy playdates, and ended up making friends. I’ve met neighbors with and without dogs. Different neighbors have even bought my dogs toys on separate occasions. I’ve met people who don’t have dogs, but stopped to pet mine. They always leave with a “thank you so much!” Dogs make people happy, and being able to connect with people through an innocent and positive reason is wonderful.

Having a dog in college forced me to exercise

Having never been an extremely athletic person, exercise has never really been my forte. I would go months without even seeing a gym and the most cardio I’d get was walking to my class or serving tables at work. But dogs need to go out, they need to be exercised and walked, and I had to be the one to do it. I went from maxing out at four-thousand steps a day (thanks to that handy iPhone app), to about eight-thousand. Having a dog means moving around.

Having a dog in college taught me how to be responsible

Instead of feeding just one mouth, it was two. I learned to budget rather quickly with a dog. I learned how to care for something other than myself. Bathing her once a week, walking her, keep her nails trimmed, making sure she’s up to date with shots were just a few new activities into my weekly routine. It also taught me time management. If I was gone at school all day, I would know I needed to be home that night. If i had spent the majority of the day with her, I would feel more comfortable with a night out with my friends. A dog in college taught me to think about more than just me.

Having a dog in college made me feel purposeful, when I felt like I was little 

There were some days that I just couldn’t get out of bed, but I had too. My dog had to eat, she had to go out, she was ready to start the day. I went from lazily falling out of bed at 11, to being up and dressed for our walk at 7. More than just getting up, you are your dogs world. I am my dog’s world. I have to push on, even on bad days, because there is another life depending on me. This alone got me through each day, and each morning.

Having a dog in college gave me my best friend

Coming home from school to that amount of excitement never gets old. Her jumping into the bathtub with me every night is inconvenient, but never fails to make me smile. Having a dog at your feet while you study, sleep, watch TV, eat, etc. dissipates the feeling of loneliness. This animal, no matter how mad you could get at them, will always be loyal, loving, and happy to be your best friend.

I’m grateful for the puppy I ended up with. Grateful for all the times she makes me laugh, comforts me when I cry, and curls up next to me for a nap. Believe it or not, having a dog in college made life easier and fuller for me.

Florida State University