Things all FSU freshmen need to know

Always find the free food

Parking lots without a single empty space, Target and Walmart jam-packed with people like a can of sardines, and family members holding back (or not quite holding back) tears while dropping of their students can only mean one thing: school is back in session.

Freshmen are doe-eyed and excited as they stroll around their new campus and home while returning students get reacquainted with old friends, get acquainted with new apartments, and probably giggle a little bit as new students run around with their heads cut off before offering a hand.

Everyone goes through Orientation and talks to older students, family, or friends who give every possible piece of advice you could think of about how to survive and thrive in college without burning up in flames. Advice ranges from personal to academic, but what about those little pro-tips that get students learn throughout their collegiate career? Where is that master list that we all could use, no matter how new to college or well versed we are?

Well, there might not be a master list, but some of this year’s Orientation Leaders have their own tips and tricks to make your college experience lit.

Austin Crawford, Senior, Social Work

“Find constructive outlets to de-stress, such as exercise or walk through nature, to prevent yourself from burning out on your studies.”

Hannah Ward, Junior, English Education

“Download Pocket Points! It’s an app that allows you to gain points when you lock your phone in class. You can redeem those points for coupons around Tallahassee! Who doesn’t love free stuff?”

Sarah Michael Anderson, Senior, Family and Child Sciences

“Enjoy every moment. Take time to explore campus with your roommates, or go see a performance at the school of dance, or spend an evening at the Student Life Cinema watching a free movie! Make little memories out of every day!

Hannah Akil, Junior, Marketing

“Document everything- especially the small things! Whether through a journal, photos, or videos; you’ll want to remember these things.”

Kyle Sailer, Junior, Marketing

“Make sure you know how much you can spend and don’t spend more than that. Set aside a certain amount per week or per activity, such as getting food or going out, and stick to it. Also, the bus app (transloc) is a life saver.”

Jenn Menjivar, Senior, Hospitality Management

“Find a place to take a nap on campus. Don’t go home to nap or you’ll never get up. Great places to go are the Bridge Lounge in the Union or the meditation room in the Globe Auditorium. Trust me, you’ll feel like a whole new person.”

Charles Maggitas, Sophomore, Biology

“Never let anyone treat you like a yellow Starburst. You are a pink Starburst.”

And finally there’s me, Lauren Pleasants, going into my senior year majoring in Editing, Writing, and Media.

Take advantage of every opportunity you have during your time here at Florida State. Don’t look back on your college years and regret not utilizing every school event, Tallahassee treasure, and weekend adventure that was available to you. Make your time here count.

Make it an experience that you can look back on and do nothing but smile.

Florida State University