The types of people you meet as a Jimmy John’s delivery driver

You’re probably one of them

I embarked on my career as a Jimmy Johns delivery driver just a few months ago, and I immediately started to notice a trend in the customers we deliver to. You may even be one of them (I know I am).

So, let’s find out who’s paying my bills.

The stoner

Really, who is surprised? But hey, they are always super happy to see me and they tip well.

The bros

“Bro, lets order some Jimmy Johns.”

“Yeah bro, great idea.”

I don’t even know what to say about these weird creatures except sunglasses don’t make you look cool.

The people who don’t order sandwiches

They exist. Believe me. In the midst of normal deliveries, one will pop up with two drinks, three cookies and some chips. We don’t get it either.

The young professional

You get home from work after a long day. You don’t want to cook dinner. So why not call up your favorite go-to in college? JJ’s to the rescue.

The tweens

Okay, so they are really teenagers, but they act like tweens. Shout out to the high school students, not tipping and pretending like they don’t care about anything since ’00. (Never fall for their smiles…)

The 9-5’ers

To those that are stuck in the office or simply too lazy to pack a lunch, we got you. Attempting to find your offices and running up flights of stairs is the only not so fun part.

The “I’ll get you next time” people

Thank you for smiling and politely conversing with me only to leave that tip line blank and simply tell me that you’ll get me next time…

The students of club Stroz/Dirac

You’ve either procrastinated terribly or you didn’t and you’re still stuck in the library. You’re on hour 12 and you hate your life, so you call up JJ’s in an attempt to make your life a little less awful.

The freshman

We understand the struggle, you have no kitchen and the dining halls are underwhelming.

The happy drunk girls

You know, they may be annoying, but they are extremely happy to see me. Drunk girls heart Jimmy, y’all.

Now you have a little bit of insight into the ups (and downs) of being a Jimmy Johns delivery driver. I’ll see you soon, Jimmy lovers of Tallahassee.

Florida State University