Meet FSU’s aspiring DJ and producer: Joey Dean

In 7th grade he knew he wanted to be a musician

We’ve all been approached by an aspiring producers and handed a CD with a clever name sharpied on the face. Some artist have their way of trying to get their music across to others, some Florida State students go about it another way and are arguably quite good.

From singer songwriters to EDM DJ’s, you should always check out one of your fellow Noles and give them a listen. The Tab touched base with Joey Dean, a nineteen year old FSU student who is an aspiring producer and DJ from Sarasota, Florida.

Dean told The Tab, “I’ve always had a huge passion for music throughout my life. It wasn’t until last year I attended my first live EDM show and after that, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in music.”

Although he is just starting out in the game he has already produced  a few of his own songs and has performed a LIVE set over at Club Downunder. We asked Joey Dean about his career path and what got him to where he is today.

What is a typical day of mixing look like?

A typical day of producing includes me sitting down with no distractions, so I turn off the TV, cell phone and try and grind for 30 minutes. Most of the time, if I can get into it, then I will produce for more than 30 minutes and just get deep into it and enjoy it. Other times, I’ll take a break at 30 minutes and then start up again after the break.

What do you do when you’re not producing music or mixing?

When I’m not producing I am hanging out with friends from Young Life, playing FIFA, or designing clothes for a brand I’m working on for my music.

Are you working on an album?

I am not currently working on an album. I’m still very new in the process of making music so I am still trying to find my sound and style of music. Until I can find my true sound, I don’t think a cohesive project will be in the works.

What advice, if any, were you given when pursuing this type of career?

I have been given two great pieces of advice I think about every day. One would be ‘you will only get out as much as you put in.’ Basically making music is entirely about the effort you put into it: Mastering the craft. Unless you put 110% of your heart and soul into making music, you won’t accomplish anything. Another would be ‘ALWAYS make music that you love.’ If you are trying to make music to get others to like it, you are doing it wrong. Be certain to make things that you love and people will listen to it.

Do your parents support your career path?

My parents fully support my career path. I am very fortunate to have parents that love that I have a passion in life, which in turn helps me significantly.

What’s your major?

Currently it’s finance, although I am going to change it to something towards management. Since it will help me in the music industry later in life.

Did you always want to do music?

I think deep down, like subconsciously, I have always loved music. I think I kinda always wanted to make music as a career. I have a letter to myself from a 7th grade Dean that asks if I still want to be a musician when I grow up.

I still keep it in my wallet.

How did you fall in love with it?

I fell in love with music at a young age, although it wasn’t until my senior year in high school that I watched a snowboarding movie that had some amazing electronic music songs that really helped me fall in love with EDM.

Is there a backup plan?

There is no backup plan. Having a backup plan implies that you are allowing yourself to think about the possibility of not achieving your goals you know. When that fear and doubt is introduced, you won’t be able to even try and accomplish your goals anymore. For me, there is a short term plan, which is to be an artist, and a long term, which is to have a lasting career in the music industry, both of which are not backup plans by any means.

What would you say to anyone wishing to pursue the same or similar career?

I would say to just be extremely appreciative of any support you receive.

Last but not least, what is your favorite Florida State memory thus far?

My favorite moment would have to be during FSU orientation over the summer. I was in Club Downunder with other orientation kids that were just dancing, when the DJ put on “Send It Up” by Kanye West. I know every single word to the song. I ran up onto the stage, even though kids weren’t feeling the song, and told the DJ to keep it on. I rapped every word to the song while all of the kids looked at me for a second and started going crazy! It was an awesome moment and I knew at that point that FSU was the place for me and the stage was where I wanted to be.


Check out DEAN’s mix from Club Downunder:

Florida State University