Florida State remains under investigation for Title IX suit

The case under investigation has been open since April 2014

Almost two years later, Florida State is still under investigation.

The Title IX policy was implemented in 1972 and prohibits “discrimination on the basis of sex in all educational programs.” It was put forth on all college and university campuses to ensure both men and women would be looked after and have a fair chance while attending any school that was receiving federal funds.

Title IX protects against any and all sexual violence. Sexual violence includes sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual abuse and sexual coercion.

The U.S Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released a list on February 24th of schools still under Title IX investigations. The list itself reflects investigations open as of May 1, 2014.

“We hope this increased transparency will spur community dialogue about this important issue,” Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine E. Lhamon.

Sexual battery and assault is no laughing matter. If you are a victim of sexual misconduct Florida State offers a number of resources.

University Counseling Center offers free confidential mental-health counseling and the FSU Victim Advocate Program is a 24-hour on call confidential line you can reach anytime at (850)-644-7161. If it is an immediate emergency you can call FSUPD directly at (850)-644-1234.

kNOw MORE is also a movement and organization you can contact for more information.

Florida State University