Adopting a dog in college is the best decision you’ll ever make

Who doesn’t love an adorable puppy?

So you’ve finally moved out of your dorm and into a shiny new off-campus apartment. Sure your friends and roommates are great company, but don’t you feel like something’s missing? Don’t you long for someone who has nothing to share but loyalty and unconditional love?

If you are experiencing any of this longing, you might be in need of a new furry friend.

Dogs can be therapeutic during stressful times that are typically associated with college life. Whether you are struggling with school, work, or relationship problems, a dog will be there for your comfort and support unconditionally.

If you’re sitting on the couch, crying because your significant other just broke your heart, your dog will no doubt come lick your tears away. If you’re sick in bed and can’t move a muscle, your dog won’t think twice about snuggling up next to you.

Not only will a dog keep you company when college gets lonely, but a your new friend will also boost your health and can even stimulate your social life.

Having a dog will require energy, lots of energy. Long walks, runs, and playtime is what a dog desperately needs. Instead of being lazy on the couch, you will now have an excuse to go outside and release some energy.

Want to explore the natural surroundings of your college town but have no one to go with? A dog will always be up for an adventure.

Having a dog will open up opportunities to meet and socialize with other dog owners. At the dog park, parents usually socialize while their “children” are playing. This leads to genuine friendships with other dog parents and endless play-dates for your child.

Now, you may think owning a dog is too much responsibility especially in college, and it definitely is for some. With school, work, and extra-curricular activities, some students may not have enough time to be responsible for another life.

But if you find yourself bored, lonely, or homesick with a bunch of free time on your hands, a dog will be a perfect companion.

If you’re thinking about getting a dog you should always remember the importance of adoption. Rescue dogs are just as loving and loyal as puppies from breeders or puppy stores, plus you would be supporting a good cause and saving a life, which is the most rewarding feeling you could ask for.

So if you ever find yourself lonely or stressed, visit a nearby animal shelter and maybe you’ll find all the answers you’ve been looking for!

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