It’s impossible to get dressed when you go to a Florida school

How can it be so hot and so cold all in ONE DAY

As if getting dressed in the morning wasn’t already a hassle, add the fact that you go to Florida State. Located in the most bipolar state EVER, you have a mission impossible situation on your hands.

When I try to explain the struggle of dressing to my friends and family that live anywhere but Florida they just don’t get it. Sure, we don’t have to trudge a billion miles through freezing cold snow, but guess what, when their weather calls for snow, it actually freaking snows! At least when they get dressed, they know they’re doing the right thing. Us Floridians aren’t offered the same luxury.

I’m one of those people who likes to plan ahead. I’m barely a person in a morning (especially when I have an 8am), so trying to figure out what outfit I’m going to wear is usually out of the question. I’m nice to my future self, always picking out my clothes the night before. While in theory this is a great idea, in practice it sucks, because Florida.

To show you what I mean, I’ve decided to take you along on my day:

The night before

I’ve just checked the weather channel app and it says 64° and light rain. Alright, I’ll give them the 64° but ‘light rain’ seems a bit to polite for the torrential downpour I just had to drive through to get back to my apartment (my hair, which I just straightened today, would also like to disagree).

Tomorrows forecast calls for a high of 58° and a low of 36° with rain early on and partly cloudy for the rest of the day. We shall see.

My planned outfit:

It’s not often in the state of Florida that it’s okay to wear all black without getting some odd stares, so when the weather deems it appropriate, I go all in.

Early morning 

I’ve decided to switch out my black shirt for a more comfortable long sleeve grey shirt — it definitely still fits my aesthetic for the day.

Based on what the forecast said, I guess the morning was accurate, but the morning is never really the problem. The problem is later, when you’re stuck on campus dressed from head to toe in black, the sun is shinning and blue skies are out.

The said blue sky seems to be coming out already.

Mid morning

By midmorning there is not a trace of grey left in the sky, but it’s still cold AF. I’m glad I have long sleeves but I really wish I had a coat on instead of a lousy rain jacket. My outfit could also use some color.


Not going to lie, for a little while there I was afraid the weather was actually going to be consistent all day and I was going to have wasted a day trying to prove a point only to be proved wrong, but thank god for Florida’s reliable indecisiveness:

Like I was saying, you planned for a completely grey day and then BAM the sun comes out, the weather heats up, and you look like a figure of doom in the ‘beautiful Florida weather’. If you’re from Florida and know the struggle, I’m glad we can relate, if not you’re and you’re just now starting to get it, I hope you have a better understanding and appreciation for what your Floridian friends and family go through on a daily basis. I actually had to go home mid-day and change my outfit to thoroughly enjoy the weather.


If you’re one of the unlucky ones and you’re on campus from morning till night, I feel sorry for you. The afternoon weather may have been fantastic, but it’s back to reality when the sun goes down. I met up with D’Jenaiya Bowser who said, “I regret my outfit choice about 50 percent of the time — the hardest part of living in Florida is the ambiguity. If it’s going to be cold, be cold. If it’s going to be hot, be hot. This flip flopping every hour, it’s not working for me.”

Florida State University