How to respond to Trump supporters 101

We all see those political Facebook fights breaking out

Step one: Do not at any cost, be or become a Trump supporter

Despite the other million reasons not to be a Trump supporter, one reason is that you and definitely others will start fights with you online and you will lose. Period. Happens every single time.

Just look at that face… no thank you

I have yet to see a Trump supporter versus *insert the name of literally anyone else* argument where the Trump side comes out on top and without numerous spelling errors. What can I say, Trump says he “loves the poorly educated” and it turns out they love him in return.

His supporters are not just “poorly educated,” they simply refuse to be educated. Oh, they have the accessibility to become so: people who have not attended a day of school in their lives are smarter than these people. Trump supporters, as a whole, refuse education in any category, whether it be cultural, scientific, historical, etc., they be lackin’.

Just one example of millions. Excuse me, *than* Cruise.

Ohmygod!!! Immigration and deportation are just sooo funny!

Step two: Delete all friends on Facebook who support Donald Trump

If you see someone on Facebook who is a clear Trump cult member and proud of it, look and see if you are friends with that person. If you are, delete them immediately. You do not need that negativity and stupidity in your life. And as that saying goes, “you are only as good as the company you keep” and you can absolutely be better than them.

I cannot count how many people I unfriended after Obama won his second term for comments like “well I’m moving to Canada now!” and “Canada here I come because our country’s fucked.” Canada’s more liberal than we are you stupid fuck. Anyways, if you are not friends with the person and they are in fact a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, assess the situation. This leads us to the third step…

Step three: Timing for a Facebook comment battle is everything

Are you busy? Will you have to leave Facebook soon? It always looks like a defeat when two people start an argument and the other person disappears for a while- we cannot give the Trumpie that kind of momentary satisfaction, (they have not deserved that.

Are you bored? Are you feeling eager to spread wisdom in the world through this one stupid person? Then go ahead, jump in and indulge yourself. In a fight like this you literally CANNOT LOSE. Seriously.

They are just so many responses to choose from (however, this one is such a classic).

You have pages and books of endless history and facts on your side. Any way the Trumpeteer tries to spin the conversation (even though it is not worthy enough on their part to be labeled so), you have the upper hand.

If you have the time, go for it. Those of us who are not too disturbed that there are people who genuinely support Drumpf and find the arguments too disheartening, we love reading them. Also, know that there are hundreds of liberals reading and backing what you’re arguing about; we are just too tired or time-crunched to jump in.

This page looks much better in literally every way possible.

CAUTION: Please remember you cannot win a fight in the eyes of a Trump follower. They are not bright enough to realize/admit that they are in the wrong, hence why the like Trump in the first place. So, if you are looking to convert a Trump supporter or get them to admit their relentless and blatant stupidity, you are wasting your time. Otherwise, get out there and have fun.


University of Florida: UF