You’ve got the wrong definition of feminism

We are not some scary group of man haters, I promise

Anytime the word ‘feminist’ is heard, I always see a collective cringe among the crowd. Why has advocating for equal rights between  genders been given such a negative connotation? Why do so many educated women declare that they are not feminists with a disgusted look, as if feminism were an embarrassment to females? Why does the running joke of ‘meninism’ have an actual following?

These are the questions that run through my mind daily. I’m a proud feminist, yet sometimes I’m scared to share that fact about myself with strangers because I’m tired of all the pointless arguments people try to start with me in an attempt to make me feel inferior because of my views. Nowadays, feminism is associated with the extremists who make everyone think that females are out to get men for the injustices they have prolonged throughout the ages.

Well, do I have news for you: that is not what feminism is. Feminism is the advocacy of equal rights between men and women, yet somehow this simple and clear objective never fails to get over exaggerated, slandered and scoffed at, making it difficult for people to understand that when you say you are not feminist you are saying you are against equality between men and women. So ladies, if you like to, oh you know, have voting rights, have the ability to work in the once called ‘man’s world’ and live independently, then I hate to break it to you, but you’re a feminist *gasps*. This goes out to the guys, too. I promise if your friends are educated, they won’t make fun of you for being one either.

Most people go wrong is their assumption that women with extreme views are the majority of feminists. Yes, there are different sects of feminism, but none have people running around degrading men just for being near them — like many people love to think. Social media has completely blown up this thought that we must shy away from feminism because of this illogical fear of the image of a yelling woman who refuses to shave. This is not feminism.

I’m tired of being told, “You guys already got what you wanted. Feminism is done, you don’t need it anymore.” To that I say: according to The American Association of University Women, in 2014, women working full-time jobs earned 79 cents for every dollar that a man earned. Even educated women are still being paid less than their male counterparts and it takes longer for women to pay off their school debts. This is unacceptable. It’s 2016 and this is still a problem.

For those who ask, “Why are you guys being so crazy about equality in America when it’s way worse in Third World countries?” I say: Just because feminists are fighting to end the slut-shaming, to end the blaming of victims of rape for their situation, to end the jokes about such a crude topic and to end the epidemic of ignorance when it comes to the message of feminism in general, does not mean that we can’t fight for others in other countries as well. How can we expect equality of the genders everywhere if we can’t even fully attain that in this First World country?

The right to be paid equally, the right to be respected equally and the right to succeed equally should not be a privilege for women, but a right.

University of Florida: UF