Go to FCII and get ready to laugh your ass off

You will grin, giggle, and even guffaw

Florida Collegiate Improv Invitational (FCII) is this weekend

Oh no! You do not know what that is – I know you’re wondering  ‘when is it’, ‘where is it’, ‘who’s in it’, and ‘why should I be pumped?’

But don’t sweat it we’ve got all your questions answered.

This weekend improvers are going hard.

In just a few days, teams will be performing what is like a play that has never been seen and will never be seen again!  You (yes, you!) have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see these shows! It’s off the top of their heads and made up on the spot.  But most importantly, it’s going to be really funny.

You may have seen the TSF Short Form Team around UF and let’s be honest; you want to see them again! Here’s your opportunity!

They’ve been doing this for years.

Johnny Stoltenborg has been doing improv for three years and loves doing it because “You work with your best friends at creating something funny right in front of the audiences eyes.”  He’s excited about FCII because “Each group does improv in a different way and when these minds come together, you’re in for a heck of a ride…All these comedic minds and point of views start flowing in the same direction and it’s one heck of an experience. You’ll never get a chance to see it again.”  Johnny will be performing with the Short Form team at FCII.

Johnny Stoltenborg (right) and Eric Rose (left)

Colleges from all over the state will be there.

The teams are from University of Florida, Florida Southern College, and University of South Florida.  In total, there will be ten teams.  Each with their own unique style but all with one desire: to make you laugh.

Robbie Levin starting doing improv with Theater Strike Force in February of 2013.  He’s excited about the event because it’s a “celebration of college improv.”  Robbie will be performing with Treble Makers (UF’s musical improv group) and Rob The Jules, a two-person improv team that not only does their thing on stage for you but they also have a podcast on SoundCloud.  Robbie “loves the organic nature of improv and working with a team to achieve a common goal” which is to make the audience laugh.  

Rob the Jules (Robbie Levin right, Jules McNeill left) photo credit to Becca Marcus

Come and go! Stay and laugh!

All of the performers are just as passionate about improv as Robbie and Johnny.  The opportunity to perform for an audience is why they work so hard to perfect their improv skills.  From one pm til six pm, there will be a general performance section, followed by a competitive section until ten pm on Saturday, the 26th in the Rion Ballroom. You can come and go whenever fits your schedule! A more detailed schedule can be found at http://flimprov.com/schedule.html

Why you need to be there.

Micaela Fagan will be performing with The Treble Makers, TSF Short Form, and TSF’s Delta Group.  Delta is one of three TSF long form teams that will be performing at FCII.  Micaela has been doing comedy for two years with sketch writing and stand up and began doing improv this past fall. She is a passionate improviser who believes that improv “has forced a lot of acceptance [out of her.]”

Micaela is just one of many performers who need you to get hype.  Micaela says “this is the first ever FCII! Not only do we get to meet and see other improv teams from around Florida, but professional improvisers are going to be hosting workshops.”  You have the opportunity to be one of those people who get together and see improv and maybe even do improv on Sunday!  The event has workshops with professional improvisers open to anyone.  That means you can watch the funny and do  the funny.  Register at  http://flimprov.com/workshops.html

Micaela Fagan (left) and Serah Bennett (right) photography credit to Chris Lee Fatt

The event is being hosted by the Treble Makers and there are six teams that are UF based.  We need gators to come out support this awesome event that so many people are working tirelessly to put on for you! The show is not guaranteed to be G-rated but you will be guaranteed to grin , giggle, and even guffaw.

University of Florida: UF