I get my UF degree from my bedroom and it’s amazing

PaCE Program? What’s That?

A year ago UF introduced a program called the Pathway to Campus Enrollment, better known as the PaCE Program. This program confused everyone who received the acceptance letter and I was one of those confused students.

The moment we opened our letters all the questions came swarming in: What is the PaCE program? Why was I selected to be in it? What did this mean? What would I be doing?

Who has all the answers? No one, or so it seemed. The program was so new and very little information was given out to staff. Everyone seemed to be unprepared for the pile of questions thrown their way.

It turned out the PaCE program allowed UF to offer more students a place within their university without having to worry about their “lack of space” issue.

You weren’t allowed to attend classes or live on campus simply because there wasn’t any room (that’s why this program exists). This didn’t mean you weren’t a UF student you were simply taking classes online until you reached that golden 60 credit mark, then you immediately attend classes in the college of your decided major.

When I first received my letter to join the PaCE program I got a lot (and I mean a lot) of hate towards the program.

Things like: ‘So you aren’t really a student,’ ‘you didn’t really GET IN,’ ‘basically you’re just a UF online student,’ ‘that sucks,’ ‘I would never do that.’ The list goes on with insults.

It stung to be hit with these, but newsflash to all the nay-sayers out there. I love this program, and here’s a few reasons why…

 I make my own schedule

I literally blend in with my bed that’s how much I love it

Like every college student, I love to sleep. So it works out pretty well that I can schedule all my classes around my sleep schedule.

I’m never late to class

Let me just sit up really quick before class starts. And I still have time to spare!

I can have class wherever I please

Yes I love my bed I literally go to class where ever I am. For everyone who’s on campus who wants to go on vacation but can’t because class… sucks to suck! It doesn’t matter for PaCE students because class is portable. So I’ll go to Miami for spring break if I want to and just take notes on the beach.

In reality there are so many wonderful aspects of this program and I’m getting so much out of my college experience (as a freshman already). I’m able to volunteer for things, participate in clubs, belong to an active sorority, have a job, and still have enough time to keep my grades up.

Yes, this program has flaws, like every new program does, but they’re working out the kinks and I believe this program will truly be successful. I don’t care about the negativity from others, because they’re probably dying for a chance to sleep in everyday anyways. So future gators, if you truly want to come to UF and you get offered the PaCE program truly consider it, you won’t be at a loss because it’s great to be a Florida Gator.

University of Florida: UF