I went to an organic chem class as a non-science major

Teaching Chemistry or fighting off mutants?

I have always wondered about this infamous class people are always pissed about. So many people complain and are always annoyed so I decided, why not go to an Orgo lecture?

I arrived two minutes early to take in the scenery. I spotted a short, rather hefty, bald man standing at the front. The professor?

He was somewhat of a Hitchcock lookalike, or better yet the next meth-genius on Breaking Bad.

1 minute in: He projected a figure that appeared to be a man with four arms. So this is Orgo.

2 min in: He has spoken. I have no idea what he said, but I detect a heavy German accent.

7 min in: He is now playing with the four-armed man he projected. The man is now a chair.

9 min in: All I can make out is that mutants are living among us and we must attack them in order to reach stability.

10 min in: He speaks of a ring confirmation? Is someone getting married?

12 min in: Everyone around me is quietly listening to him and taking notes, am I the only one who can’t understand this strange dialect? Is this the Twilight Zone?

15 min in: He is teaching us how to draw something called a “Cyclohexane.” I thought it was pretty easy.

22 min in: Again I find myself utterly confused. I ask the kid next to me, “What is he talking about?” and he responds “Yes.”

25 min in: I heard him say “editorial.” I think he knows I’m here.

30 min in: Apparently the mutants have something called “Stereo-centers,” I’m guessing that is where their headquarters are.

31 min in: He projects the bird-eye view of their headquarter-stereo-centers, it looks like they hijacked the Pentagon.

35 min in: At this point the people around me have stopped taking notes and are glazed over.

37 min in: He next shows a network of rooms within the mutant’s headquarters.

40 min in: The professor says a man by the name of “Bikylocanes” is in a trance. I am assuming that he is our leader.

45 min in: He finally declares that we must burn the mutants. Once this is completed he says we will be liberated.

So basically, Orgo class is nothing but a spin-off of the X-Men movies.

University of Florida: UF