Best places to nap at Emory

Because when the post-lunch slump hits, anywhere will do

Let’s start with the classics. The stacks in the library.

If you haven’t made a trip to the stacks exclusively to sleep you’re working too hard… or maybe you aren’t working hard enough. Floors four, six and seven are my personal favorites.

Also in the library are the always comfy – usually empty – lounge chairs and couches along the perimeter of the Matheson reading room.

Pretty sure that’s the real reason being quiet in there is so heavily enforced.

The couches in the back of Cox Computer Lab are always a good choice.

If they wanted us to do actual work there they’d put desks back there right?

Then of course there is the comfy couch in your favorite program office.

It’s a rare day indeed to go into OMPS or Center for Women and not see someone napping.

For people with classes across the bridge, the Health & Sciences Library has lots of comfy seating and it’s usually way less crowded than anything on the other side of campus.

Long-Street Means commons.

All the freshman lounges are nice but the fireplace makes this one feel especially cozy.

The Ethics building and library also have lots of comfy chairs and couches to nap.

The bottom floors of the library have big chairs along the sides of the wall that put everything else out of view so it’s just you, rows of bookshelves, and whoever pops up in your dreams.

Bread Coffeehouse!

Technically this is off campus but it’s right across from the b-school so it’s not super out of the way. This place is great for so many things, games, free coffee, free food.

It’s like going to your artsy auntie’s house. She’ll point you towards a couch and a blanket, let you sleep and send you off with something yummy to eat.

Any places I forgot to mention? Let’s get creative.
