The ridiculous but necessary nature of female friendship

Girls are ridiculous, but at least we are ridiculous together

There are different kinds of love.

There’s the kind that despite the times he has called you ugly, left toothpaste on the bathroom counter, or sent unattractive pictures of you to every boy on your Snapchat list, you still have not killed your brother.

Or the kind that even though it’s the 58th time she’s tried to zoom in on Instagram, add you on Snapchat, or send you an invitation for a tracking app on your phone, your mom is still your number one queen.

But there’s also the kind of love for which you stop everything you’re doing in order to pick a filter for your friend’s Instagram post – because you really care and not just because your phone is blowing up with screenshots of the picture in every single effect available. And don’t even get me started on deciding on a caption.

Friendship is a valuable and often underappreciated thing. In addition to all the standard mushy-gushy-I-will-always-be-there-for-you definition, friendship also means taking some of the weight off in times of “overthinking” and “overanalyzing.”

It means keeping a straight face and, after giving it some thought, replying seriously to all the “how many minutes should I wait before opening a Snapchat or reading his text?” texts. Or “what time should I post this picture on Instagram?” “How many y’s should I put to sound flirty but not too eager?”

Also, if 32w ago he posted a picture hugging a girl, does he have a girlfriend? Do I use the winky emoji or the smirk? But ew why does he use so many emojis? Check out his tweet, I bet that’s about you. He sent me a snap of the movie he’s watching… is he asking to Netflix and chill?

It means not laughing at the “he went in for a hug, I went for a kiss on the cheek… ended up kissing his shoulder”. He said “hello” and I said “thanks.” Guess who I drunk texted last night? I freaked out and complimented his socks.

Seriously though – shoutout to all those group chats out there analyzing screenshot upon screenshot of text conversations.

Shoutout to all the friends trying to figure out why he didn’t reply to her text if he viewed her Snapchat story.

Shoutout to those able of calming down all the “HOLY CRAP I just liked a picture he posted 156 weeks ago” and never even asking why you were in that deep his Instagram in the first place.

I know we are ridiculous, but the point is that we are ridiculous together. Girls just need each other to simplify the lives they spend so much time complicating.

And maybe we do overthink everything but, in Emily’s wise words, “we have to because guys don’t think at all and we have to make up for it.”

Duke University duke duke university freshman freshmen friendship