The good and the bad of the D-Plan

Reflections on being off this term

The D-Plan was one of the biggest selling points for me when I was deciding on which college to attend. After arriving to Dartmouth, I began to hear mixed reviews about the D-Plan. While it gives us an upper edge in our intern search and makes the legendary sophomore summer possible, many students complain it prevents them from seeing their closest friends for months on end because their D-Plans don’t match up.

Like most freshmen, I was “off” my first summer at Dartmouth. However, I would consider this term, 16W, to be my first official off-term. At this point in my Dartmouth career, I am established with the organizations I’m involved in and the friendships I have invested time into. I had much to leave behind after leaving Dartmouth for a term. There are both good and bad aspects of taking a term off.

One of the most difficult aspects of being off for a term is an undying fear of missing out. My mind begins to wander while sitting at home on a Friday night: “What would I be doing if I was on campus? What are my friends up to?” I miss Dartmouth more than ever after viewing Snapchat stories, Facebook and Instagram posts of fun events happening back on campus.

I start to miss Dartmouth a little bit less when I remember all of the work that I am NOT doing. Taking a break from late study nights, competitive midterm and final exams, and the general chaos of being on campus is absolutely amazing.

Normally I would relish the joyous experience of not having to trudge in the freezing cold, wind and snow to class, meals and other events. The temperature in North Carolina, where I am staying this term, is relatively warm. This North Carolina weather has made me miss snowball fights on the green at midnight. Sub zero temperatures will always be unpleasant. I hope we can at least get temperatures consistently in the 30s by the end of January (please global warming).

Taking this term off has allowed me to spend more time with my family. Freshman summer was the only extended period of time I have been able to spend with them since being at Dartmouth. Normally, I hear about family get-togethers over the phone, receiving pictures of the gatherings via text. Now that I am off, I’m able to participate in them. This has been my favorite part of taking a term off from Dartmouth.

Ultimately, my first “off” term has been wonderful. In my free time, I’ve been able to work on projects I would have not had time for had I been taking classes. Just this past week, I launched Common Cents Advice LLC. This mission of my new website is to break down the world of economics for Blacks, through information and resources provided on the site.

While I am excited to be working on independent projects and spending time with my family, Dartmouth is my second home. I will be happy to return next term. See you all in the spring!
