How to look haute while stuffing your face

Please grandma, hide that hangover, and conceal your food baby – the right outfit can be a lifesaver

Getting dressed for Thanksgiving can be tricky – staying family appropriate and trendy is a careful balance.

Not to mention the fact that anything too form fitting is a total nightmare since you’re hands-down going to be eating your bodyweight in stuff you shouldn’t.

So how do you pick an outfit that won’t freak out grandma, will conceal a food baby, and still looks good? I’m not totally sure either, but here’s my best guess.

Showing skin

This should be obvious, but don’t wear anything too exposing. If your family is super relaxed about how much skin you show, that’s great for you, but most aren’t.

So try to pick pieces that balance the areas where you might show a little skin.

Moderate v-neck? Make sure it has long sleeves. Tank top? Try to find one that isn’t low cut. You get the idea.

Oh my god look it’s appropriate.


Layering solves so many problems. Some ripped jeans, a nice cardigan, something camel colored and you’re off to the races – warm and no one will notice when you can’t suck in your stomach anymore.

Sweaters can go over dresses too, and can turn something with a plunging neckline into something that’s suddenly quite appropriate.

I could have the entire turkey under there and no one would ever know.

Don’t wear white

Stay away from white. Maybe you can handle wearing white clothing around a huge group of questionably sober people who are eating like they’re going to hibernate all winter, but that kind of high-pressure environment is just not my thing.

Go for darker fabrics so that if Aunt Valerie bumps into you after one too many glasses of vino, you won’t burst into tears.

And black is still the MVP.

Yoga pants

Yoga pants. There’s a huge chance a lot of people aren’t ‘allowed’ to wear these for this sort of family gathering, but I say you’re a grown-ass man/woman and can do what you want.

Leggings, yoga pants, joggers, harem pants – the possibilities are pretty infinite not to mention loaded with street-style appeal.

If you’re someone who gets stuck babysitting relatives’ hyperactive children, despite the fact that, “no,” you “really would rather not play hide-and-seek again,” these are for you and your need of a full range of motion.

They aren’t pajamas if you’re wearing heels…

Hair game

What if you partied too hard Wednesday night and you sleep until noon when your family Thanksgiving starts at noon-thirty? And what if you don’t have time to shower?

Tell your mom you’ll “be right there!” and then get to work on your hair. Nothing says I’m-probably-hung-over like disheveled hair.

Guys can use a fair amount of gel or wax to get their locks under control. Girls, run for your curling iron – tousled waves look intentional vs. bed head, which does not.

If your hair won’t curl, slick it back into a high pony and wrap a strand of hair around the elastic, pinning it underneath. You’ll look super sophisticated and polished, even if you woke up ten minutes ago.
