We asked clueless ’19s if they know what our slang means

Bored at Baker isn’t code for Netflix and chill

It’s hard to believe it,  but we’re a third of the way through 15F.

So freshmen should be pretty well acclimated to Dartmouth life, right?

The 19’s have been introduced to Dartmouth’s traditions having experienced their first homecoming celebration, but have they caught on to the various slang, acronyms, and expressions that specific to Dartmouth’s culture?

The Tab wandered around campus to the freshman dorms to investigate whether the 19’s have learned the fundamentals of Dartmouth jargon.

In short, some of them have some catching up to do.

Jack Davidson

What is a swug?

I have no idea.

What is the Dartmouth Seven?

The seven places on campus you’re supposed to have sex before you graduate.

I bet I can name them all. The top of the hop, Bema, Hanlon’s lawn, steps of Dartmouth Hall, the stacks, 50-yard line, hang on I got this….middle of the green!

Zeke Carlos

What is a boot?

I mean it gets cold here so I’m guessing its like some nice warm shoes.

What is Friendsy?

Oh my god is that like that find bae thing?

Thobile Mawerera

Who is the Sun God?

I’ve seen the car practically every week, but I have no idea who he is. He’s just always playing loud music.

What is the Dartmouth X?

What?…No, like I have absolutely no clue what that is.

What is Bored at Baker?

I feel like I’ve seen something somewhere….Oh it’s something I saw on blitz and paid no attention to.

Geo Huang

What is the Ledyard Challenge?

I know this one!…It’s running naked.

What is a narp?

Is it an acronym?…I have no idea.

What is a shmob?

I’ve heard that one so many times…maybe used it before too. It’s someone in the way?

William Baddoo

What is a swug?

When you do something that’s like a noob? Like being a newbie.

What is a narp?

Isn’t that a non athletic regular person?

What is the Dartmouth Seven?

Isn’t that the seven place on campus where  people have to do a certain activity?

Megan Morris

What is the Ledyard Challenge?

You have to swim across the Connecticut River naked and have to run back.

What does foco mean?

The food court or 53 commons.

Andrew Alini

What is a shmob?

A massive freshmen group traveling somewhere. It’s what we are! Represent!

What is a boot?

It’s something with drinking…it’s when you drink so much that you want to put a boot on and kick someone in the face.

What is a self call?

When you talk about how amazing you are.

David Wong

What is a swug?

I feel like a swug would be a very strong swig of a beverage of any nature.

What is Bored at Baker?

Oh I’ve definitely heard of this. The mental state of being bored at Baker because there’s literally nothing to do there.

PJ O’Sullivan

What is a swug?

Snarky white undergraduate?

What is Bored at Baker?

A Dartmouth specific ‘Netflix and chill’ code.

Rachel Webb

What is Friendsy?

I think that’s something online that people connect with. I get a lot of emails about it.

Who is the Sun God?

Is that the guy with the car?

What is a Christmas hulk?

During Christmas if you drink a lot of red and green drinks to get drunk but you puke up a Christmas hulk.

What is a swug?

A sweaty hug?

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