What you missed last week

We boiled it down just for you

Another week goes by as we enter one of the warmest winters ever experienced in the city. And with finals coming up, it’s just a little silver lining for the next couple of weeks of hell.

And in case you’ve been too busy studying or just prepping for the holiday season, you missed out on a very Hunter-esque week.

We found out that the MTA will be trying out new trains, we covered the difficulties women experience when pursuing a computer science degree and we covered the importance of safe spaces.

Homecoming a year ago seemed a bit more… vibrant

Good older sibling

The MTA are going to be trying out new trains

There will be a handful of new trains going around the city in the next year or so. The trains are set to model after the “open gangway trains” used in cities like Toronto and Berlin and will not longer be separated by cars but rather be interconnected.

But in case you should find yourself wondering what riding those old train carts is like, that’s happening now. Good luck making it through the inevitably slinky line of tourists.

Women pursuing computer science degrees

We looked into the computer science department and the lack of women pursuing degrees in that department. We also interviewed programmer and student, Anne Liang, and asked her about her experience in the computer science field. 

Any updates?…

Fencing at Hunter

We looked into the forgotten, yet elegant sport of fencing. You would think sword fighting would still have some kind of following, but unfortunately the sport is dying down in numbers and has trouble finding a crowd.

It just happened to be homecoming at the same time.

We covered the importance of safe spaces

In response to a previous op-ed posted on the The Tab, one of our reporters wrote a thoughtful response to the idea that safe spaces limit discussion and freedom of speech. Safe spaces are so much more than just a place where you can’t say things and our piece explores every aspect of it.

Join us next week for another roundup and don’t worry about finals. They’ll be over before you know it.

Hunter College