Hide yo kids, hide yo wife: A ‘rare and extremely dangerous’ badger is loose on campus

Can we make him our new mascot?

Meet CU's latest campus visitor, the infamous 'rare and extremely dangerous' badger who was spotted on campus yesterday.

CU Boulder's offical Twitter account sent an alert out to warn students of their impending doom and imminent takedown at the hands of this deadly creature. "Rare badger sighting on campus. Badgers can be extremely dangerous. If you see it, do not approach," and while this may have been good advice, it was definitely a little excessive.

Wisconsin took the "extremely dangerous" comment personally.

A spokesperson from Colorado Parks and Wildlife claims badgers aren't dangerous and that CU officials are wrong in their statements, but UW-Madison says otherwise.

Some people related to CU's badger.

Or maybe the badger just a transfer student getting the lay of the land?

Perhaps the poor guy is just trying to get a degree like the rest of us!

Maybe the badger should watch out, though, as CU students don't have the best track record with campus critters.

Stay safe, kids.

University of Colorado Boulder