Protest planned against Rick Santorum’s Cornell visit

He’s coming to speak this Wednesday

On November 30th, former Senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum will be speaking at Bailey Hall. In response, students have organized a protest against the speaker.

The organizer of the event on Facebook posted: “He is a Republican politician who is anti-LGBTQIA+, anti-abortion, anti-birth control, he denies climate change, is against the DREAM Act, and has a variety of other stances that I have also included below. On November 30th, we would like to have a group of people gather at Statler Auditorium in solidarity against Rick Santorum.

“We will be providing rainbow bandanas for attendees to show their support. This action aims to show solidarity for those communities that are attacked or made to feel unsafe by his policies, as well as remind him of the presence of those groups that are marginalized as a result. We support open discourse, and are in no way attempting to prevent Santorum from speaking. We are simply using our own freedom of assembly and speech to make a visible statement.”

Expressing their satisfaction with the event, one of the protesters said on the Facebook event: “So, so relieved this is happening.”

At the moment, around 100 individuals have confirmed they will attend the event.
