Things only Cornell upperclassmen will understand

Say goodbye to lanyards


While everyone’s first O-Week (orientation week) was undoubtedly the sloppiest and most embarrassing few nights of their college career, filled with little knowledge of their drinking limits, how college hookups do and don’t work, and the sweaty fear of not really knowing who to trust or who will stay in your life, O-Week as an upperclassman is pretty sweet. Filled with drunken hugs and friendly exchanges, we know how to spend our days; cooling off at the Gorges during the afternoon, running between the few bars and the parties not filled with freshmen by night. Seeing friends you’ve missed while getting to know new strangers is a mix of freedom and happiness to be back in the 607.

Last O-Week preparation took place in the lovely Trashland on Wait Ave

Chipotle, Panera, Souvlaki House or CTB?

Back to the food desert that we call Ithaca. Forget about wanting Mexican at midday, because you’ll wait an hour in line at the Chipotle. I need to address the fact that I am a firm believer that CTB is extremely overrated although convenient for late night munchies. The service has always been wonderful but CollegeTown Bagels are a bit overpriced in my opinion, someone who grew up with delicious greasy bagel sandwiches made on REAL New York bagels the size of a football, not the frisbee-like bagels found in Ithaca. I’m usually spotted with a smoothie while other indulge in the late night pick-me-up.


The culture of competitive Cornell has somehow infiltrated the housing market, causing rentals to skyrocket in pricing, sometimes costing more per month than IN NEW YORK CITY. Why am I paying over one thousand dollars a month to live in an old fraternity annex when my Brooklyn apartment was cheaper, cleaner, and better in location (dang economics and your supply and demand). The stress of fighting other groups over off-campus housing becomes so competitive that people end up sitting in their groups on the streets to sign a lease as soon as they enter a house for a tour. Because of this, landlords are now signing leases at the beginning of August for apartments a full year in advance, not even giving the new tenants a chance to decide if they like the property.

An email I received on the 10th of August. Classes do not start until the 23rd. Fair right?

The brutal fight for parking

When Ithaca is as eco-friendly as it is, say goodbye to free street parking. Don’t even think for a second the landlords aren’t charging hundreds of dollars a semester for a parking spot in front of the house you are already paying an arm and a leg for. This creates a sense of urgency in figuring out where you’ll park your car, allowing for the prices to also increase. Prepare Eddy Street, because my little Subaru will be fighting for the few free parking spots.

That Honda van is straight up NOT in a parking spot

Leg cramps

Back to the land of the hills in every direction in which your legs are not used to. I worked out this summer but nothing can prepare you for the somewhat buzzed walk up from Loco Cantina to Eddy Street. Hiking all the way to campus from CollegeTown is no easy task on the way to your eight a.m. with coffee in hand. The Cornell Calves are a real thing.

Pictured: In shape legs


Thank God for the thoughtless swipes in Terrace and the relaxation as your over-used debit card can take a breather for awhile. BRB’s (Big Red Bucks) act as a form of school currency that allows food purchases at any of the numerous cafes and eateries on campus. While they do roll over to the second semester, it’s always just a little stressful to watch how fast the total number of BRB’s decrease after just one week of classes.

Enjoy the Gorges will you can

Any upperclassmen knows in order to enjoy the short month of warmth at Cornell properly, you have to visit the Gorges and waterfalls throughout Ithaca as frequently as you can. College kids can be found floating down the lazy rivers with coolers of refreshing drinks, listening to lighthearted music and soaking up the sun.

One of my favorite spots to watch the sunset, although it’s a pain to get to

161 Things to Do at Cornell

All through sophomore year, Cornell’s 161 Things to Do became a bit of a joke, as you move up to being considered an upperclassman, it slowly dawns on you how little time you have left at this wonderful university and you slowly start to try to tick off a few more of those tasks. While some are easy to check off, others become a bit of a challenge.

How I love you ‘Nell

While freshmen and even sophomores still have a chance to develop the love/hate relationship with Cornell, upperclassmen are all too familiar with the trials this University will put you through. From the long hours spent in Olin (honestly gtfo if you enjoy Uris) to the nights you’ll spend in with your best friends, to the shameless visits to Nasties or Louie’s that you still voyage to North campus for, Cornell has a special place in all our hearts.
