Facebook groups every Cornell student should join

Overheard at Cornell is one of them

We cannot deny social media is increasingly becoming a part of our daily lives and we barely ever get a break from it, especially as college students.

And at Cornell, there are so many Facebook pages catered to us throughout our lives here.

Check out a compiled list of some of the best groups you should definitely be a part of as a student at Cornell.

Overheard at Cornell

This page contains the most hilarious, outrageous things people (students and professors alike) say on campus. Whoever happens to “overhear” some of these statements and deems it worthy to be shared with the rest of the Cornell community, posts this in the Facebook group. Some of these posts brighten up your day especially if you’re having a bad day and these comments also remind students that they are not in the struggle alone.

Carpooling to NYC & Rideshare, carpool and shared transportation

As you may have found out, transportation to Ithaca is limited and expensive. You have to spend so much money just to get to NYC and you may need to use layover buses to get to other cities in nearby states. These Facebook groups are live-savers because you can post about your need for a ride and you could find someone heading in that direction, who may or my not charge a fee. Whether you’re charged a fee or not, there is no argument that getting a car ride is less cumbersome than using public transport especially if you have luggage.

Cornell University Housing, Sublets and Roommates

This is one of the most important groups to be a part of, especially if you’ve taken the leap from Cornell housing into off-campus housing. Here, people post housing and subleasing offers for all semesters including the summer. If you’re in dire need of housing or your initial living plans suddenly vanished into thin air, this is the group to join.

Cornell Buying and Selling & Free and for Sale

As students, we’re usually on a budget and so it’s always a good thing if there are cheaper alternatives for things we need. These two groups include members who post items they no longer use but are good enough for others, as well as items they never even used but want to sell. It is especially helpful when people are selling household items at the beginning or end of the semester. You could get your textbook for cheaper in this group. And if you’re trying to make a little money, you can make use of this page.

Your Cornell college and your major, if there is one

The various Cornell colleges have their respective Facebook pages and some majors in the university do too. Again, you do not want to be kept out of the loop. Being a part of these groups means you’re exposed to news concerning your college and your major, you have access to information regarding various guest speakers of interest that will be visiting the college, you have information about various research opportunities and seminars among many other educational opportunities.

Jobs and Internships

This is another Facebook page within Cornell and honestly, the title gives its purpose. This page provides internships and after college job opportunities that are available to students and sometimes even specifically to Cornell students. The job hunt is highly competitive and we need to use as many resources as are available to us.

Class/year group pages (especially your class page)

Of course you want to be a part of your class page! If you really need a reason: sometimes there are events catered to a particular year group and being on this page is the most likely way you’re going to hear about it. Don’t be left out!

Residence Hall Pages

Most residence halls also have pages. Sometimes, the RHD and the RAs of respective halls plan events or they have special messages for residents, which they share through Facebook. It is also an available space to post about things you’ve misplaced or misplaced items you have found. As always, it is necessary to stay in the loop and your residence hall’s Facebook page is a great way to stay connected.

Humans of Cornell University

Following the style of the renowned Humans of New York, this page captures a moment in a student’s life. These personal accounts can release varying emotions and reactions. Some stories can really resonate – they’ll motivate you to work harder and keep on with studies at Cornell.

The Tab Cornell

Of course you want to follow the The Tab Cornell’s page. This space provides news and updates, written by Cornell students themselves. This site will help you keep up to date on life at Cornell. It goes without saying that you should follow other Cornell news sites as well, just so that you are constantly abreast with what happens on your campus.

Make use of social media every chance you get to stay connected to everything going on on this huge campus.
