Everything that happened during Power Outage 2016


The power went out at Cornell at approximately 11:40 and Cornellians went nuts. Many of them realized that the wifi – a huge concern these days – was still on and expressed their hate online, most notably on Overheard.


Turns out,  people were not pleased.  As it turns out, there was pre-enroll for all non-seniors. However they were spared the more stressful experience of Senior Days ticket buying so I’d say they lucked out.

Why did this happen? Another Overheard at Cornell post has attributed it to a substation explosion, but honestly who cares because what’s more important is how much I can tell you how it’s impacted my life and made it so hard for that one hour where I was on Facebook.

As of 12:48 power has come back on and the most exciting thing to happen to Overheard since the milk spilled in Libe Cafe is over.

RIP Blackout 2016 ( 11:40AM – 12:48 PM). You provided me with so many likes on my comments.
