Meet the Cornell class of 2020

Remember when you were excited to come to Ithaca?

Cornell received a record 4,882 early decision applications this year, the most in the history of the university. Since mid-December, 27.4 percent of them have been celebrating their acceptances.

Here’s a closer look at a few of these lucky high school seniors.

Isabella York, from California

How did you feel when you learned you were accepted to Cornell?

Honestly, I was quite surprised and felt overwhelmingly grateful for this opportunity. Cornell was my top choice, and having the chance to attend my dream school was the best feeling.

What do you plan to major in?

I applied for comparative literature at the College of Arts and Sciences.

What are you most looking forward to at Cornell?

I am looking forward to not only pursuing my intellectual interests, but getting to know people from all over. Cornell has such a diverse student body and I can’t wait to get to meet everyone.

Favorite food: Sushi

Favorite genre of music: Classic Rock

Favorite book: The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

Favorite movie: Match Point

Hobbies: I really enjoy spending time with friends, working at the crisis hotline Teen Line, writing, playing basketball, and watching old films.

Jacob Mitrani, from Miami 

How did you feel when you learned you were accepted to Cornell?

When I read the word, “congratulations!” I was in utter shock. I felt all the stress and anxiety that took over me rush out of my body as I jumped up and down and screamed with my mother. Really, I can’t fully describe the feeling- it was amazing, and something I’ve never felt before.

What do you plan to major in?

I applied undecided, but I’ll probably do economics with a business minor.

What are you most looking forward to at Cornell?

I’m most looking forward to the whole experience of living independently, far away from my home in Miami, in a college environment drastically different than what I’m used to, and the life-lasting memories and friendships that will come from it.

Favorite food: Skirt Steak

Favorite genre of music: Classical Rock

Favorite book: Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

Favorite movie: School of Rock

Hobbies:  I enjoy running and working out, reading, sleeping, eating, and just hanging around with friends doing whatever.

Maya Hutchinson, from California

How did you feel when you learned you were accepted to Cornell? 

My reaction was definitely filled with relief and excitement to say the least! I was recruited for track so I had a pretty good feeling about getting in, but obviously nothing was for sure yet. So once I received my official admission decision, it felt surreal that it was all officially happening. I actually found out in the middle of one of my classes and I remember just grabbing my friend next to me and showing her the email. It hit me in that moment how real everything was becoming!

What do you plan to major in?

I’m planning on majoring in Policy Analysis and Management in the College of Human Ecology. Human ecology really stood out to me because I loved the idea of actually applying what we learn to humans and the world around us, and how each major is pretty flexible. I wanted to go in the business-related direction while also being able to take classes that interest me in different areas. I’m excited to see where it takes me!

What are you most looking forward to at Cornell?

I would say I’m most excited for change. I am excited to experience something completely different (I go to a pretty small private school in Southern California) and to be on the track team. Competing on a collegiate level sports team is something I have looked forward to my entire life and I’m excited to join the Cornell track family!! When I visited, I loved the environment and the excitement that the students have there. I’m excited to spend time around and get to know different types of people on campus and I’m looking forward to meeting unique people with similar, and also different, interests. It’ll definitely be a different and unique experience.

Favorite food: Sushi or French Fries

Favorite genre of music: R&B and Rap

Favorite book: Entire Harry Potter series

Favorite movie: Chasing Mavericks

Hobbies: Obviously I love track so that’s a huge part of how I spend my time! But other than that I love reading, writing, exploring, surfing, singing, dancing, and listening to music. Really anything that’s fun and entertaining is an adventure!

Vignesh Gnanasekaran, from Dubai  

How did you feel when you learned you were accepted to Cornell?

Well, I was pretty thrilled about making it into my ED university, but I kinda went back to sleep since it was 2 AM here in Dubai (GMT+4) when I found out!

What do you plan to major in?

I got in for Mechanical Engineering but I’m hoping to be able to complete a dual-degree in Materials Science and Engineering.

What are you most looking forward to at Cornell?

The beautiful campus and being taught by the incredible faculty. Also, the freezing cold and rural setting – having grown up in a metropolitan city with 45˚C summers made me want a drastic change!

Favorite food: Probably classic pasta – Fettuccine Alfredo is my favourite.

Favorite genre of music: I like everything right from big-room EDM to Muse’s space rock.

Favorite book: Vicious by V.E. Schwab and The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee

Favorite movie: Inglorious Bastards, Godfather Pt.1, or anything from the Cornetto trilogy

Hobbies:  Debating, reading, AV editing, public speaking, and watching a ton of movies and TV shows.

Julia Li, from Arizona 

How did you feel when you learned you were accepted to Cornell?

Honestly, I was really relieved that I didn’t have to apply to anymore colleges. However, that doesn’t detract from the fact that I got into my dream college and into the school/ program that was perfect for me.

What do you plan to major in?

Hotel and restaurant administration

What are you most looking forward to at Cornell?

I’m looking forward to working in the Statler, but I’m also excited for joining the cheese club and taking cool PE’s like water skiing and rock climbing.

Favorite food: Either Bouillabaisse or McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets

Favorite genre of music: Classic Rock

Favorite book: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling 

Favorite movie: All the Harry Potter movies

Hobbies: I like cooking, swimming, eating, and sleeping
