We asked Cornellians what they do when they Netflix and Chill

‘I’m mostly there for their Netflix’

It’s Netflix and Chill week at Willard Straight Hall, and they’re promoting safe sex while asking: “Netflix or Chill?”

If you’re a seasoned Netflix and Chill veteran like myself, this question shouldn’t even exist. But it does, and there are a surprising amount of discrepancies.

If you don’t know what it refers to, a quick Google search or Twitter query will educate you. It’s a phenomenon, a movement, a way of life, the future … or, at least, Twitter thinks so.

So in honor of Netflix and Chill week, we went around asking various Cornell students:

1) What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

2) What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

3) How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

Some answers were shocking. Personally, I stopped Netflix and Chilling when I became a swug, I just ask to hookup. It is definitely the move. Nevertheless, here are their answers to the questions.

Darryl Smith

Communication/Info Science, 2017

What does Netflix and chill mean to you?

It means you invite a girl over to watch a movie with her.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

The girl chooses the movie.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

It never actually plays.

Brennan Tobir

Undeclared, 2019

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

Invite a girl over to watch a movie, but with the intention of it leading to something else.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

Gotta go with the romantic comedy.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

20 minutes max.

Diana Cahill

ILR, 2018

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

Casual way to invite someone over to hook up.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

The Matrix

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

The entire movie. You have to wait until it’s over. I really like The Matrix.

Ally Hill

Animal Science, 2018

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

A guy wants to hook up

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

To be honest, I prefer TV shows or comedies. But 22 Jump Street is a good one.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

Try the whole movie. I’m mostly there for their Netflix. We probably won’t hook up.

Joanna Rizza

Chemical Engineering, 2019

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

Actually watch Netflix and hang out with someone of the opposite gender.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

Hands down, Gossip Girl.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

We have to finish an episode of Gossip Girl.

Jimmy Connelly

ECE, 2019

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

Watch a movie and have sex, I guess.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

Got to let her choose.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

Probably an hour.

Richard ‘R-Swag’ Branciforte

ECE, 2015

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

Originally, the literal meaning was the meaning, but over time it means to fuck a girl.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

The Lego Movie, I’ve used it 3-4 times and it works every time.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

If it’s the first time we are hooking up, probably an hour and half. Otherwise, 20 mins then chill time.

Richard ‘R-Swag’ Branciforte as a freshman: 

1.) it means to come home from a hard day, usually after a prelim and watch TV alone              by myself.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

Any Adam Sandler movie.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?Since I’m by myself, the entire movie. Maybe even a sequel. Depends on how badly the prelim went.

Rain Zhou

Credit: Geoffrey Keating

Mechanical Engineering, 2016

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

To hook up with a girl, but I don’t watch Netflix. #TeamHulu.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

Some light-hearted comedy.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

An hour is pretty fair.

Phoebe [No Known Last Name]

Computer Science, 2019

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

A guy is into you and doesn’t want to be a creep about it.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

A comedy.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

Let’s be real, we aren’t watching the movie.

Mary Grace

Math and Computer Science, 2019

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

Relaxing … I don’t know. Definitely not hooking up.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?


How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

The whole movie, we just chilling.

Isabel Fortuño

Hotel Administration, 2017

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

I guess it would be hanging out with someone with the intention of doing something more than watching the film.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

Anything that I’ve already seen before

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

That depends…

On what?

No comment.

Alexis Marquez

Chemical Engineering, 2018

What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

It’s a hook up.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

Definitely a zombie movie

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

If I like the guy maybe 10 mins. Otherwise the entire movie and I leave.

Omari “Thunder” Powell

Computer Science, 2015/2016
What does Netflix and Chill mean to you?

If I ask you that you already know I’m trying to hook up. Like if you don’t want to  just say no lol I can just call someone else over.

What is your ideal Netflix and Chill movie?

If I actually plan on watching something, personally I’d choose 90210, but it’s                        whatever she chooses.

How long into Netflix and Chill do you plan on actually watching the movie?

Personally, around 15 minutes is my maximum. But to be honest, I just ask people to hook up straight up. Not trying to beat around the bush. It’s great. I started doing this after a misunderstanding of Netflix and Chill when she asked:”Did you invite me over just to have sex?”

There you have it. The Cornellians’ take on the subject. Practice safe chilling accordingly.
