The average starting salary for Cornell grads is nearly $60,000

You’re going to a school where the average starting salary is $59,700

Today, the national average of a starting salary for individual graduating from college is approximately $34,343.

Considering how much it costs just to live in Collegetown for a year, starting to plan for the future city you are planning on living in is key.

You don’t want to be that poor undergrad who has to live off McDonald’s and work by candlelight at night.


As Cornell alumni, we are going to graduate and start out earning $59,700. That might not seem like a lot to some students coming from an Ivy that also happens to be the 15th best university in the nation, but it is when you see the data.

College researchers at Payscale ranks Cornell as having the 32nd best potential salary in the United States, being tied with Colorado School of Mines and Swarthmore College.

But honestly, when it comes to actually obtaining the job, the whole Ivy thing doesn’t hurt. Thanks, Ezra.

Following this trend, after 10 years we would be gaining an average of $109,000 per year. That’s not even taking into account that the majors here can range from entomology to music, to architecture and fashion design.

Our unique curriculum can only contribute to us becoming more and more successful in the future, right? … Right?

Top 100 Ranked Colleges and Universities with the Highest Pay in the U.S.

As seniors, especially around this time of year, interviews are taking place and crucial life decisions are being made.

So when you get that job you’ve always been dreaming about, whether its at J.P Morgan in NYC or at Google in San Francisco, keep in mind that we are one of the top and one of the best.

And remember that we earn more than Brown, Yale and Columbia grads in the long run. So there.
