What happens in Vegas: Play the definitive presidential debate drinking game

Party like you’re in Caesar’s Palace

This presidential election has been pretty exhausting. We’ve had all sorts of scandals, embarrassing moments, and frustrating characters, so much so that sometimes you need a drink.

The next presidential debate is today at 9pm EST, and we came up with a drinking game because you probably can’t get through it sober. Turn on the TV, grab your solo cups, and get ready to:

Drink every time Trump…

Says any country’s name (extra sip if it’s China)

Interrupts Clinton – because you just know he can’t bear to hear a woman talking

Makes an audible breathing noise – and he says Hillary isn’t well

Says “wrong” – WRRROOONG

Drink every time Clinton…

Lies – sometimes she just can’t help herself

Brings up Trump’s racism and sexism

Evades questions about her emails

Isn’t even the focus and the camera pans on Bill – because that’s what’s important, right?

Looks at the camera deadpan when Trump is saying something wacky

Drink every time one of them…

Talks for more than 2 minutes – “Just let me finish, you let them finish”

Doesn’t answer the question asked – they’re like wind up toys

If you aren’t drunk by the end, you clearly haven’t been paying attention.

Carnegie Mellon University