Everything only CMU students will understand

‘What’s a Tartan, anyway?’

Maybe Carnegie Mellon is your dream school, maybe you’re only here because none of the Ivy Leagues accepted you. Whatever category you fall in, there are some things only us CMU kids will understand.

The au bon pain of not having Skibo Cafe anymore

It was the place for truly unhealthy pizza at 2 am. RIP.

The significance of the number 61

Those buses are the only way to get anywhere unless we want to spend money on an Uber.

Camping out to paint the fence

Why sleep in a warm bed when you could sleep in a tent on gravel in 40 degree weather?



Having to explain to your other friends what a Tartan is

No, it’s not the Scotty dog. It’s not even an animal. It’s a fabric. We are literally pieces of cloth.

Speculating about the identity of Schatzman

The elusive figure who appears in Schatz, eats, then slips away, leaving us all to wonder exactly who he really is.

Calling the light at Forbes and Morewood the beep boop

The real struggle happens when you hear it beeping and see everyone crossing, but are too far away to make it in time.

Standing in line to buy over-priced snacks at Entropy

Apparently, our tuition just isn’t enough.

Being serenaded by bagpipes while walking to class

Goddamn you, Andrew Carnegie.

Being able to explain why some of the holes in Wean are stuffed with bottle caps

“Because once we fill them all, a dragon will emerge from the ground.”

Carnival, aka the one time we aren’t doing homework

Might as well call us Carnegie State.

Carnegie Mellon University