Clemson boys are the least romantic humans on earth

Tigers on Tinder, kittens in real life

Finding real love in college is hard. Scratch that, impossible. Maybe we shouldn’t even be allowed to look for a serious relationship in college because college boys prove themselves stupid, time and time again.

So settling for a casual hook-up seems to be the only viable option now. However, you would think these guys would put some kind of effort or show some kind of interest to try and get the hook-up?

NOPE. College boys (and yes I keep saying boys because there is no such thing as a college man) are actually laughable when they are desperate.

Here are some examples of what these boys will stoop to:

The One Who’s Just Super Thirsty

The one who probably still gets his mom to schedule his doctor appointments

There are no words…

Where’s the popcorn?

I’ve never seen this kind of desperation…

Okay so on a scale of 1 to Pinocchio, how often do you lie? If you think that this kind of false flattery is going to get us in your pants, you are on some strong shit. Also, he was actually trying?

This guy really likes asses

Focus on some other feature of the girl and maybe you would have a chance

These are just a few of the examples. Do all of the world’s least romantic boys get accepted into Clemson? Thanks for the laughs, but sort yourself out.

Clemson University