The ultimate job application drinking game that will get you both a buzz and Benjamins

Because nobody’s ready to be a real person yet

Searching for jobs can be one of the most disappointing and annoying things that a person has to go through. Whether you're just looking to make some extra money for the summer or need to actually do something with your life after college, you're bound to fill out an application once or twice.

So to make this agonizing process a little more enjoyable, we suggests utilizing alcohol.


Every time you question your major

Every time you don't know whether to put a 0 or 1 on the W4 form

Every time the application requires a cover letter

Every time you fudge a reference

Every time you mark down that you worked at a job for an entire year when it was really only for the summer

Every time the job requires way more prior experience than you have

Every time you update your LinkedIn profile

Every time you question whether you really need money for survival


Every time the job wants somebody who's a "team player"

Every time your resume exceeds the 1 page limit by one. freaking. line.

Every time you call your mom asking for help filling out an application

Every time you think your C's get degrees mentality has not proven successful

Every time you feel awkward answering the question, "What do you expect to get paid?"

Every time you answer the interview question, "What's your biggest flaw?" with "I'm a perfectionist," or "I work too hard".

Every time you get distracted from filling out an application and start a new Netflix series instead

Every time that you don't even want the job that you're applying for


Every time you only get an interview because somebody owes your parents a favor

Every time you never hear back from the job after sending in your application

Every time you know there's absolutely no way you're getting a job ever

Every time you realize you have no goals or passions

Every time you see that you've received a new email and expect it to be an acceptance to a job but it's actually just Urban Outfitters promoting their 15 percent off sale

Every time you think that you'd be okay living in your parents' house for the rest of your life

The Tab is not responsible for any liver damage caused by a tough job market.
