It’s finals week – what do you really want to say to your professor?

Sorry not sorry

It’s finals week and, let’s be honest, everyone is frustrated. Some students have spent 24 hours straight in Mugar studying for exams, while others have already moved out and are making fun of the rest of us. The last few weeks have been filled with final projects and papers and exams, and many have lost all hope or sense of caring what others think.

It’s time our professors know exactly what we are thinking. It’s time to see just how many F-bombs BU students can drop while talking about their professors.

“Your discussions were completely useless. I don’t know. I just hope to never talk to you again.” -Catherine

“Y’all are valid, but I’m still not going to do the work.” -Megan

“Honestly, I don’t have anything bad to say. I’m done, so whatever.” -Lexi

“Fucking get rid of this movie. Apocalypse Now is overrated, the shortened version is long AF and the long version lasts for all eternity.” -Sonja

*Note: 15 minutes later her laptop died and she screamed out of joy.

“Fuck you. Just why? Is this really necessary?” -An SED student

“How could you be so naive to let 30 seniors take an exam on a computer?” -A Questrom student

And, perhaps, the best of all were the two girls studying for their Introduction to Public Policy exam.

“Why do you play us like this? Our professor’s email made it on the memes page. That’s what we’re studying for. Just why?”

“Oh shit. I just have one question- why? Just why?”
