A guide to BU’s acronyms

BU- Best University

We all know Boston University loves using acronyms for just about everything. So if you’re wondering what your college’s acronym means, we’re here to help.

CAS- College of Average Students

There are so many students accepted into CAS, this seemed like the best acronym. CAS students major in anything from Chemistry to Philosophy and various languages. Just as the word ‘average’ simplifies larger, more complex things, that’s how it is used for CAS.

COM- College of Optional Math

Ok, while some of these acronyms joke around, this one is actually pretty true. COM majors for the most part absolutely hate math and avoid it like the plague. Sadly, everyone in COM is required to take a statistics course and one other math or science related course. These are two of the most difficult requirements to fulfill, as many COM kids will try to take the same COM math course.

SMG- Sex, Money, Greed

SMG/Questrom/HAR/any other weird acronym you want to come up with at this point, is our lovely business school. Most every Questrom student is obsessed with Wolf of Wall Street. And its main character. And is obsessed with money. And flashy cars. Actually, the meaning behind this acronym is pretty accurate.

CFA- College of False Aspirations 

Poor CFA. Filled with all those artsy people you wish you had in your group for projects. Some people think CFA students have it easy, that, after all, how much work does a painting or acting or musical performance major have to do? Well, those poor actors are quite busy all day, with classes that even go long into the night.

CGS- Crayon Glue and Scissors

CGS, also sometimes referred to as Crayons Glitter Scissors, is made fun of quite a lot. The sad thing is, despite standing for items commonly found in preschools and kindergartens, CGS students have to complete a ton of work (probably more than a lot of you do).

These are just a few of BU’s acronyms.

If think you can come up with good ones for the other schools (SED, ENG, SAR, SHA) comment below!

Featured image courtesy of Barron Roth Photography 
