Stop judging me based on my political views

Nobody likes the politically aggressive friend

Every four years friendships are divided, relationships are ended, and households are split due to a social phenomenon known as politics.

As an undergraduate, I have noticed this to be especially apparent among college students. Whether students feel the Bern, support Hillary, or want to “Make America Great Again”, many share the burning desire to broadcast their opinion as the best and only opinion.

I intern for a Massachusetts republican non-profit organization.

Many of you probably just checked out of this article, which is exactly my point.

When I mention that I have an internship, many of my peers ask where I work. Once I tell them, they immediately retreat as if I smacked them across the face. Then they begin debating every republican issue as if I am the one running for president.

At the beginning of this semester, I even switched out of a class because my professor ignored me assumedly because of our conflicting beliefs. Because two of my classmates and I identified ourselves as republicans and did not show interest in the democratic campaign internship she was promoting, my professor refused to call on us because she did not agree with our beliefs.

My boyfriend is liberal and I am conservative, but that does not make us star crossed lovers. We just do not discuss certain topics.

Additionally, check your facts before posting on Facebook. The other day I saw a post with an article about how Ted Cruz beats his wife. There is no evidence to back that up. You don’t support Cruz? Fine, but don’t spread gossip like you’re in seventh grade. There are enough paid mudslingers in politics – the best thing you can do for this election is help it be a fair one.

Facebook is a social network, not a political network. I go on Facebook to read about your accomplishments, to see pictures of your dog, and to read the news published by reliable sources. This is not to say that you should not share biased news. Just make sure it is at least credible and won’t offend your audience.

Let me make a few things clear to all.

I am a republican

This does not mean that I agree with every republican belief ever documented. This does not mean that I am a racist or a Bible-thumper or that I dislike poor people. Similar to how not every democrat wears Birkenstocks and smokes pot, not every republican shuns homosexuality and carries a gun.

I love my internship and am proud to have gotten it

At the end of the day, you might not support where I work, but please do not try to make me feel badly about being proactive. You are interning for the Hillary campaign? Congratulations, I am glad you are working while simultaneously supporting a cause in which you believe.

Please do not try to change my beliefs by conducting a one-sided debate

I have my reasons for supporting the party, and you are not going to change them by blaming me for slavery.

Still, this social split is mostly prevalent during election years. Two years ago, if I identified as a republican, very few people would care. Now it’s like NFL Sunday when every viewer becomes a coach. Everyone has an opinion, which is great, but not when those opinions affect relationships.

When it comes to politics, I love to be right just as much as the next person, but the most important thing is that I am right to myself. Vote for what you believe in, but leave politics out of your relationships.
